Ok, well rudeness aside, I’ll answer your points, because you make so many mistakes.
Yes, £3,300 GBP. That’s what Apple charge in the UK. And even more in Spain where I live. I bought it directly from the Apple store. The fact you don’t know that’s the sort of prices we have to pay in Europe, and made rude comments suggesting I’m stupid and bought it somewhere silly, is just pathetic. If you did any research before posting (ie, spent 1 minute looking at the Apple web site in the UK), you wouldn’t have wasted both your time writing that crap, and my time getting annoyed at your ignorance.
Ok, next. Early adopters. I’ve been buying, building, using, and programming computers since 1980. I know a thing or two, believe me. Sorry, I don’t mean to sound arrogant, especially to someone ‘tech wise’. It’s simply a 100% fact.
As for expecting perfection — who said that? I just don’t expect a machine that was so badly designed it made non-stop noises and then the screen cracked.
Do you know how you get your ‘cheap’ (ha) Apple products? Because people have the money, courage, desire and sometimes need to buy new products. If no one was an early adopter there would be no new products. Pretty obvious when you stop ranting for a second to think about it, isn’t it?
Of course I could have got last year’s model. I already had it. But I needed a new one, and I needed the fastest I could get.
Ok, let’s talk about normal USB… I could ask you to define ‘normal’ USB but I’d probably be wasting my time. Yes, at first USB-C was a bit of a pain, and I still use a dongle for a couple of things, but I also have native USB-C devices (such as my wonderful Panasonic GH5 camera and my 4TB LaCaie external drive for instance). Boy is data transfer fast. And the cables are nice and small, and works in either direction. And I can use the same cables for charging too. I can even charge my laptop from my external hard drive over the same cable I transfer my data from.
USB-C was the future a few months, now it’s the current ‘normal’ USB standard. Enjoy using your slower ‘normal’ (by your definition) USB ‘standard’.
If apple do put the an older USB standard back — unlikely — it will be alongside USB-C. USB-C is not going anywhere (except when the next version replaces it). Once you use USB-C you wonder what all the fuss was about and appreciate the benefits. Hey, you’ll find out in a year or so!
The touch bar is actually fairly useful. I could live without it, sure. But you do get used to using it in certain apps.
Please, tell me why I shouldn’t be using Apple apps? Given I hate Windows. How do I replace Logic Pro X, Final Cut Pro X, Photoshop, Premiere Pro etc etc. Do tell, please.
And anyway, I happen to like macOS.
But none of this matters compared with the actual POINT of my article (I thought I should shout at least one word at you, considering all the words you shouted at me).
It’s not that there was a fault with the two machines I’ve had this year, it’s the fact Apple’s support was so bad.
As I said, if it wasn’t for early adaptors you wouldn’t have your machine a year later. Apple should give all customers great support, but especially when it’s a brand new machine and it’s an accepted fault.
If you disagree with that, then God help your son if he takes your advice on anything.
Now, may I kindly suggest you take your own advice and go to your room and think about what a rude, ignorant post you just made.
ps. and no, a :) at the end of your comment doesn’t excuse anything. If you think it does, you need to take a long hard look at your writing style.