Thanks for the apology, accepted.
But to answer your points. I didn’t buy a watch, my wife did. I’m certainly not going to tell her when, where and how she can spend her money.
And I did buy another Macbook because I presumed the second one wouldn’t have the same problems. And also I’ve been using them for many years and have lots of money tied up in software. I’m not going to just dump it like that.
So no, I’m not going to cut my nose off to spite my face. But what I have done is write this article which has been very well read (and generally well received). Lots of people have said it has put them off buying a Mac — which was not my intention, I’d prefer Apple to fix the problems.
But when it comes to friends, colleagues etc asking for advice in the future, they’ll hear all sides of my story about Apple and they can make up their own mind what they want to do. I think it’s fair to say they way they’ve treated me this year will certainly cost them some lost sales, even if — for the time being — it’s not my lost sales!