Well, as I’ve explained before, I use software that is Mac-only. So it would be hard to move away and cause a lot of disruption. Plus I hate windows, and linux just does not have the software I need (maybe one day…)
I understand your point, trust me.
I do value Apple for their desktop operating system and the software available on the platform (for my needs) and admire them for many things they have done in the past.
I am concerned that standards are slipping year-by-year in terms of hardware quality and service.
As for more generally as a company — I’m not a fanboy. I know Apple have lots of flaws. I wish they would make more products in their home country (like I wish UK support wasn’t based in Ireland to save them tax), I wish they wouldn’t keep most of their money off-shore, I wish they’d pay more tax, I wish they didn’t have such a bad track record of sub-contracting to companies with terrible employment practices… etc etc. But sadly, most big companies operate in the same manner.
It’s like any relationship. Do you end it the minute one thing goes wrong? Or two? How much do you care? How much do you try before calling it a day? The point would come where I would walk away from Apple if nothing changes but I am not cutting my nose off to spite my face and I would prefer to do my small bit to try to make them realise their problems rather than just disappear quietly and become an ex-customer.